Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rick Rack...instant nostalgia

     As I've said before... I love rick rack!  I have a nice little collection going of the vintage trim.  As a little prep work for this blog, I was doing some research.
      I think that has to be one of the worst wikis ever! And Rick Rack is 2 words not one! Although spelling it ric rac is okay in my book! 
     There are lots of history to be found about Rick Rack and my favorite is the Nufashond booklet. I own some vintage (probably antique lace made from rick rack) If you crochet, this booklet tells you how to make items & lace with rick rack!  http://www.knitting-and.com/crochet/nufashond.html (Did I mention it is FREE to download?)
       I should tell you that because Nufashond rick rack was less curvy and 100% cotton... you may need to adjust the pattern if you are using modern curvy polyester.  I attemped to make a daisy like on the pincushion when I first read the book and it did not turn out! 
     If you don't crochet, I found this blog post. http://bleulune.typepad.com/my_weblog/2009/09/daisies.html
Wouldn't that be darling on a baby headband? I could see it on a flapper style dress!  I would probably use less petels and press each i one direction for a bit of a curve so it laid flatter.
     I don't have time today but I thought it might be informative for me to do comparisons of wrappers so it would be easier to tell the age of the rick rack.  I had found a chart online somewhere (a quilt site?) a while back with all the different kinds/brands.  I shoulda coulda bookmarked it but I didn't!  The price is usually a give away that it is vintage.  If it has no price ... check the back for a barcode.  I believe that started around 1986 ish.  I have some Wrights trims from 1986 that have price & no barcode and the identical kind with a stamped price and no barcode! The barcode one has a walmart price tag stll stuck on it.  The 1984 trims don't have barcodes and I don't own any fron 1985. So no price...not vintage! The cheaper the price the older the rick rack.... 10 cent would be older than 15 cent etc.
    I'll have to write more later!  Have fun!

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