Friday, January 20, 2012

Wanna date?

     I really want to date some of my fabrics. I have books and research online but on occasion ... I'll get stumped!  It's old.  I KNOW it's old but trying to pin down the exact date just can't be done.  I have a wonderful green rose fabric that I want to say is 30' or 40's.  It is of course 100% cotton and 36" wide.  It has no makers name. It's vintage... but it could be antique.  Some days I wish I owned a carbon dating machine in the garage.  (Although my husband claims that it would not work on polyester or synthetic fabrics.) 
     Often people just "guess" based on the color and claim the fabric is from a certain decade. I don't like to guess. Instead I just call it vintage if I know for sure it is older than 1982. (Can you believe that is 30 years ago?) But on etsy I believe Vintage is 20 years old. (Uh 1992 is vintage? )  But normally I personally consider Vintage to be 1970's or prior.
     I think I have some vintage Hammer pants somewhere that are just dying to come out of the closet and be back in style! (I'm kidding.... I never had Hammer pants. My sister had Hammer pants and I would borrow them!)

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